Tag Archives: Access to Work

Juggling Work and Life: Finding the Right Balance

Striking a work-life balance means not letting work consume you to the point where you forget to enjoy life’s precious moments. It’s about creating memories and having fun that truly enriches your life. (For further mental health-funded support in this area, please book a free consultation here: https://peoplebuilding.co.uk/landing-page/ )

Just as our emotions offer us a spectrum of light and shade, work, whilst often being considered the last place we want to be, offers us structure, challenges and learning opportunities that we might not get if we were on a permanent holiday.

Ultimately, the work-life balance has to be tailored to meet individuals. If you have a very stressful job, getting the right amount of time away is important to maintain your well-being. However, very monotonous jobs can create stress of a different kind.

Developing a routine can be helpful to create a pattern so that at least that way your body will learn to tolerate the stresses until the relaxation time comes. The challenge with this is if you go from high stress to total relaxation it can at times put your body into a kind of shock.

Have you ever had the experience of working hard, then taking a holiday where within a few days you become ill? You spend the whole holiday feeling rough and recovering. Then by the time you are better, it’s time to return to work!

This happens when you’re body isn’t used to the opportunity of unwinding. Instead of unwinding you crash, beyond ruining your holiday. It’s also a message that you need to have more downtime more often. The question is “Can you make that a priority with the way you currently live your life?”. Exercising your relaxation “muscles” will mean that when you next come to do it, you won’t have a health breakdown.

Taking a holiday may not be financially or practically viable, but you can still start to give yourself an escape from the rat race in your normal life once you learn how to do it.

Meditation or yoga can be great ways to take time out and put your focus inward, instead of outward on all of the tasks you need to complete at work and in life.

A session of hypnosis at The Hypnotherapy and NLP Clinic in Hertfordshire could help kick start the learning you need to focus on skills such as hypnotherapy and meditation.

In addition, If you’re seeking guidance to better navigate your situation, thoughts, or feelings, we can arrange for 10 coaching sessions tailored just for you. In many cases, this support comes at no expense to you. Schedule a consultation to learn more at https://www.peoplebuilding.co.uk/landing-page

By regularly taking focused time to relax, even from the most stressful jobs, you increase your chances of having “stress spikes” in your well-being. Meaning that when you are active you are energised with a clear mind and working dynamically rather than freaking out. Then when you are relaxing you are at peace and calm without having a health crash from the fall of a stress spike.

By Gemma Bailey